Monday, January 10, 2011

What have I done....

                                                        hair piece by Darling Baby Designs
                                                              LOVE this! what a sweetie
                                                            hats by Darling Baby Designs
A blog. SURE! I have tried this before. But then again, that was before. I think I will update it this time! No. I KNOW I will. But I have to figure out how to add pics to could get interesting. Anyway, feel free to get on my case if I don't update this thing. The supposed website I keep speaking of now and then...well it will come...for now, this will have to do. My website template intimidates me.

I had a wonderful session today with a beautiful 6 month old girl. A true delight!!!!!


  1. see i don't know how to add pics yet! hmmmm....i will figure it out

  2. ok edited and figured it out! yay! i think this could be fun!

  3. Wahoo! So excited you have a blog!!! :) Now I can blog stalk you!!! :)

  4. Yay a blog!!! I love it :) xo

  5. What a little cutie! Awesome pics Kristin!
