Monday, January 31, 2011


HELP!!!!!! all you paper crafty people out there! i need you to make something for me! i am trying to come up with a beautiful way to give you your image disc...this rough template is sort of what i have come up with. it is really just a folded piece of paper with a little flap on the other side, not fastened at all on the sides, tied with a ribbon. it looks ok but i am looking for a creative person to come up with something awesome for me! maybe fastened with a button? email me ( ) your design and price! i am looking to buy a couple hundred of these! the only thing i ask if it is made out of scrap paper it should be really heavy paper so the disc doesn't get damaged!

Ps. I can't figure out why some of this post is in bold and some not! I tried changing it but nothing worked! Oh well haha


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