Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Get Crafty!

                                                             the quilt i made for lily's bed   i took a class here
 i used a thin layer of mod podge painted on the canvas so the material wouldn't move (you could use anything tacky)
               then i folded it over and hot glued it, and voila! new art for lily's room that matches her bed
I ran out of hot glue, so I still have to make the 4th one. I really want to do a huge demask print like this for my room. I did this project for next to nothing. I got 4 square canvas for $5 from the dollar store and recovered them with scraps of material I had from making a quilt. The only thing I wish I had glued it on the sides as well, for a smoother look but meh, it works! Anyone can do this!


  1. AH love love! We have some fabric covered canvases in our room. And you made that quilt? Girl you are awesome!

  2. What a beautiful quilt!! Love the fabric over canvas idea!

  3. thanks guys! it was super fun! and yes chan i did make that quilt! took a class at prairie chicks and LOVED it!
